Outdoor Recreation

These activities involve higher levels of physical activity, practicing recreational activities that can be continued back in the school community. The learning intentions for each activity can be modified to suit the year levels indicated.

Hikes include the school boundary, half day circuits of Mt George Conservation Park, an historic loop into the township of Bridgewater, and day hikes along sections of the Heysen Trail. Students learn about preparing for a safe hike.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 3/4 (ACPPS041)
Yr 5/6 (ACPPS059)
Yr 7/8 (ACPMP086)


An introductory map-reading activity in which students look at a variety of maps and identify their key features. They then use a simple local map to navigate a set trail similar to an orienteering course. 

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 2  (ACMMG044)
Yr 4  (ACMMG090)

Arbury Park has a number of permanent orienteering courses that use colour, scale orienteering maps. The courses become sequentially more challenging in distance and navigation.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 5/6 (ACPPS059)
Yr 7/8 (ACPPS078)

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Curriculum Outdoor Recreation