Creativity & Imagination

These activities use the outdoors as a rich source of sensory input to inspire imagination and creativity. The learning intentions for each activity can be modified to suit the year levels indicated.

A mysterious character ‘Appy Arbury’ lives in the forest. He leaves a trail and recorded message for younger students to follow. They discover some treasures of the forest as well as pieces of local history.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Foundation (ACPPS007)


Using only earth materials such as leaves, bark, rocks and water, students create art pieces that stay on the ground until they eventually return to the Earth.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

The Arts                 
Yr F-2  (ACAVAM107)
Yr 5&6 (ACAVAM116)

Students join a walk leading them through guided sensory experiences. Blindfolds and other props help students explore the rich sensory world they live in.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Foundation (ACSIS011)
Yr 1     (ACSIS213)
Yr 5&6 (ACPPS059)

Sitting alone in their chosen spot, students experience sounds, sights and smells of the bush. They have space and time to reflect on their experiences at camp, and their individual connection to the natural world. 

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 3&4 (ACPPS036)
Yr 5&6 (ACPPS054)


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