Exploring Ecology

In these activities, students explore the connections between local animals and their habitats. Key concepts include: survival needs, adaptations, food chains, interrelationships.

The learning intentions for each activity can be modified to suit the year levels indicated

Students learn about animal adaptations and interrelationships using living and preserved animals in our Ecocentre.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 1 (ACSSU017)
Yr 3 (
Yr 5 (
Yr 7


Students practise the skills of bird watching and identification. They observe bird behaviour and discuss how different species fit into the overall ecology of different habitats. A collection of stuffed bird specimens allows close examination.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 1 (ACSSU017)
Yr 1 (ACSSU211)
Yr 4 (ACSSU073)
Yr 5 (ACSSU043)
Yr 7 (ACSSU111)

With the aid of maps and a 3D model, students walk through the school property to experience the features of a catchment. They explore how land use affects drainage and water quality and compare this to their local catchment.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 5 (ACHASSK090)
Yr 7 (ACHASSK113)
Yr 7 (ACHASSK183)

Students collect samples of invertebrates using nets and observe them using magnifiers, microscopes and video camera. They explore feeding relationships, adaptations for survival and habitat requirements of freshwater life.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 1 (ACSSU002)
Yr 1 (
Yr 4 
Yr 5 (
Yr 7 (

Students explore a ‘hidden world’, so small that is normally invisible to the naked eye. They collect samples from the local environment to look at under microscopes.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 4 (ACSIS065)
Yr 5 (ACSSU043)
Yr 7 (
Yr 8 (

Students become ‘bush detectives’ by searching for evidence of animal life in the stringybark forest. Many animals are hard to see due to their behaviour or appearance, but skilled detectives can find evidence of them by careful observation.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 3 (ACSSU211)
Yr 5 (ACSHE021)
Yr 7 (ACSHE081)

Students search for leaf litter invertebrates and fungi then observe them using magnifiers and microscopes. They learn that nature’s recyclers release nutrients from dead plant and animal material and return them to the soil.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 1 (ACSSU211)
Yr 4 
Yr 7 (
Yr 9 (

Students use different devices to measure aspects of the weather in different parts of the school grounds. A trail leads students to investigate how local features can create microclimates.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 4 (ACMMG084)
Yr 5 (ACMSP118)
Yr 5 (ACSIS218)
Yr 6 (ACSHE098)

Students play the roles of predator and prey species in a simulation game. To survive they must locate ‘food’ and ‘water’ that is hidden in an open woodland area. Students learn about animal behaviour and survival strategies.

Examples of Australian Curriculum Links

Yr 1 (ACSSU211)
Yr 5 (ACSSU073)
Yr 5 (ACSSU043)
Yr 7 (ACSSU112)

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Curriculum Exploring Ecology