
Arbury Park Outdoor School provides a unique opportunity for teachers and students to learn together in a residential outdoor setting. Most commonly, students attending are from Reception to year nine, although relevant programs can be arranged to provide for older secondary students.

The natural world is a rich classroom full of things to explore and discover. The classrooms of Arbury Park provide opportunities for learners to make their own discoveries through direct experience. They

  • learn about ecological processes – head
  • develop feelings for the natural world – heart
  • learn how individuals can contribute toward a sustainable future – hands
  • develop teamwork and relationships with each other – community

Programming and teaching is a shared responsibility between Arbury Park staff and client staff. The Arbury Park Outdoor School program coordinator acts as the contact person for this negotiation. Depending on the needs of the client group and the age of students involved, programs are conducted for a duration of 2-5 days.

Classroom teachers have a crucial role in preparing students for outdoor learning and helping them to make connections. Arbury Park staff provide advice and resources for teachers to use with their students before and after their camp experience.

When arranging a camp program, client teachers identify the preferred Arbury Park themes and activities relevant to their students and their own school program. Over 25 different activities are available and are grouped under six themes:

Camp programs



School Context Statement

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Bushfire Plan

(PDF, xxKB)


Risk Management Plan

(PDF, xxKB)


Arbury Park Slideshow

(PDF, xxKB)

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