Middle Years

Characteristics of Middle Years Learners (Years 6-9)

At Arbury Park Outdoor School, each learning program is developed to meet the particular needs and requests of the visiting school. The program and activity choices will vary according to the developmental stage of the group of students.

Learners in the Middle Years are individuals who come from a range of linguistic, cultural and social backgrounds. They bring to learning their own prior knowledge and experiences, needs, interests, concerns, expectations and aspirations. In addition, Middle Years learners are:

  • aiming for a stronger sense of belonging through participation in wider adolescent cultures becoming aware that they can make changes for themselves and others

  • keen to develop greater interdependence with their peers and independence in their lives

  • developing their own voice, often challenging the voices of their parents/caregivers, teachers and society

  • experiencing adolescence and the accompanying emotional, physical and sexual changes

  • learning to form, articulate and manage relationships

 SACSA Framework Learning Bands Introduction 2003

  • beginning to feel their connectedness to society and a natural inclination to “save the world”

  • building an authentic environmental commitment out of first hand experiences with real places and real issues on a small manageable scale.

David Sobel “Beyond Ecophobia” 1996 


Suitable activities for Middle Years learners

Freshwater LifeNatures RecyclersAnimal Survival, Bird EcologyLooking for EvidenceWeb of Life gameWeather TrailNestboxes, LandcarePlant PropagationEarth ArtEarth WalkOrienteering, HikingTeam Challenge, Mission Survival, Bush SurvivalAboriginal Cultural Studies 


Compare with learners in

Early Years (Foundation – Year 2)      Primary Years (Years 3-5)


Sample Middle Years camp program

(PDF, 149KB)

A sample program showing how activities can be sequenced and connected.

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